Thursday, August 28, 2008

My So Called Life

I have been catching up with a show I haven't seen in years. I can't remember if they replayed the show a year or so after it first aired, but I know I've seen it a few times. It was broadcast on MTV and it was at the time when MTV first started airing TV shows that were not related to music videos. The first Real World was I think a year ago or so. Or maybe it was the same year that this show premiered.

Regardless, the TV season was 1994-1995. They had a soundtrack that featured Stone Temple Pilots and the whole grunge era was in full swing as was very obvious from the wardrobe. I must say, I loved the clothes for that time. Big comfy flannel shirts, high waistline jeans, or long oversized dresses. SO different from the short skin tight tops and low-cut jeans of later times.

I had SUCH a crush on Jared Leto. He also had the grunge look down. But I've seen him in a few things since then and his look has changed....who's hasn't?....and it just doesn't translate as well with his shorter hair.

I remember how neat it was that the main character was almost the same age as I was. Actually she was a year younger. But it was still easy to see some of the same things she was going through that I could see happening to me.

But the thing about watching it now is that it has been so long. Shows like Dawson's Creek that I have seen a lot since when it first aired haven't changed as much as this show has. I still like it, but I now am watching it with a parent's perspective. Not only that, but a parent with a girl. This family has two girls, significantly different in age.

I know they did a lot of dialogue and storylines because they were interesting, but it really irks me that they ignore the younger daughter like they did. She does so much to try to get noticed, I'm pretty sure she would be a fairly damaged girl if they "grew her up" on the show. But it was still very interesting to pay attention to the parent's thoughts and discussions and now I can't help but wonder if that is going to be me in a few years.

My oh perspective can change. At least I can say I still like the show. Even if it is for the nostalgic feel of it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What can you do?

I'm saying this from a "throw your hands up in the air" way of thinking it. Early this morning, we had a thunderstorm pass through. By early, I guess I should clarify. It was 6am I think. So not as early as it could have been. First Gwen started stirring. Then the thunder was really loud. I thought she might be up for good, but she quieted down and I didn't hear anything. Then Trevor started yelling for me. So rather than risk waking Gwen up I went into his room.

He told me he was afraid of the "thunderstorm warning".

Now, I don't have any vivid memories of being afraid of anything in particular about thunderstorms. I'm sure I was afraid of them. I also remember a few times having to be in our basement because of storms.

Trevor has a lot of things he pulls together for his "thunderstorm warning" statement. He hears our monthly siren that is 4 blocks from our house that sounds every first Wednesday of the month at 1pm. He likes USA maps and looking at all the states, and finding Minnesota, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and a few more of his favorites. Before PBS Kids comes on at 5pm, the channel is a weather station, most of the time showing cloud cover on both Minnesota and the entire lower 48 states. But there was a time recently where we had a bad storm passing through where I put that channel on to watch the storm pass over and see how bad it was going to be. Finally, if there is ever a storm warning, they usually blink a part of the state where the county that has the warning is.

So put all this knowledge together and instead of being afraid of the thunderstorm, he is afraid of the thunderstorm warning. I know it really is just the loud noise of the thunder that bothers him. And we really do need the rain. So that's what I say. No it is not a thunderstorm warning. It is just rain, lightning, and thunder. We need the rain for the grass and for water for the animals. He quieted down and although I'm pretty sure he didn't sleep, he did rest for good half hour or so.

And of course as he goes to bed tonight, there is a storm happening. I think it has passed over us already, but he was all pumped up for it when he was going to bed. I wonder if we'll have someone else in our bed soon....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another kind of golf

I've been meaning to take Trevor to the nearby mini golf place for a while. I figured yesterday would be a good day, although I'm not used to it being so COLD. And I know, 70 degrees isn't cold, but MAN is it a change to what we've had recently.

It was a little change in thinking when I was trying to explain to Trevor how mini golf works. He thought I had forgotten his clubs until I told him that he gets a putter there. Then he was worried they didn't have one in his size. I assured him they would, as well as balls to pick from. He picked out an orange one for himself and a yellow one for me.

When he saw the holes, he knew what to do. He even knew that the brown colored area meant to be sand. We didn't keep track of score, although I did get a hole in one on one. I also put my ball in the pond/water area. But Trevor was the first one to do that, and he started to run back to the check-in place to get another one before he understood that we could see the ball and get it out of the pond. But even then, I was surprised he didn't want to keep putting his ball in the water. He kept it out pretty well!

Then of course they had a hole where you put it into a hole and it comes out at another place. He was very confused at first by this. But when I told him to wait by the hole while I hit and he saw how it came out of the hole. Then he wanted to do it again. All the while we were playing there was only one group that was in front of us, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. So he was able to play that hole again.

When we came to the last hole, I told him that we wouldn't be able to get the ball back because it went to the front when it was done. But still, he hit it into the hole, and went to look for it back at the other hole where the ball came out of the hole. I tried to explain it to him, but he couldn't grasp it. The kid that checked us in told him that it went into a bucket near the hole. I found the locked area and pointed to it. Still didn't help. So the kid asked if he wanted to see it. Of course he did! He opened it, and he saw a few balls in the basket. The kid allowed him to putt his ball in the hole again, except that it went too quick into the basket so he didn't see it. Then he told him to wait while he put it in the hole. Then he got it. He saw it and of course wanted to do it a few more times, but that was good enough. He turned in his putter and started talking about who won. Of course I had to explain that he wanted a low score instead of "Mommy, I got 11, you got 1". But once he got that, he still said he won.

Gwen was able to be entertained by food and being in her stroller. It was a new place and it was cool to watch the bright colored balls rolling around. So she made it almost the entire way.

It was a fun time for everyone!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Last day of swimming

I guess also the last day of a week long event, but I don't consider swimming lessons much of a camp like event. But with the introduction of the swim goggles, he found a new thing to do. Look underwater! He was telling me about it after class. He was very happy he could do it. I think his goggles still aren't as tight as they need to be but he is afraid of the snap factor when you put them on, so it will be hard to get him to pull them the right way so he doesn't hurt himself.

And then Gwen....I finally figured her out. Although the days we don't have something going on, she does really well when she only has one nap. She sleeps for two hours and wakes up happy. Trying to figure out how she should eat is a mystery for now, but maybe that will be the next task to complete. And in the mean time, mommy peace time is over. Gwen can only make it until noon or 1 at the latest. So she sleeps until 3 at the latest. When Trevor goes up for his "nap time". Which isn't usually a nap more than 50% of the time. However, I will say that watching one kid is significantly easier than both of them. They both get into less trouble when by themselves.

So when Gwen was sleeping today, Trevor wanted to play the "Frog Fraction" game. I figured out how to play and told Trevor what was what. The weird thing that I "won" and he didn't care. Well, I shouldn't say he didn't care, he just didn't throw a big fit or even try to say that he won. We played again and although Gwen woke up before we were done, we finished and he won that game. I'm very confused. I still can't get him to understand (or maybe he does he doesn't like the truth) that Lightning McQueen does not win the last race. He decides that helping the King finish the race is more important. And whenever he and Gwen race to get into the car, and she wins, he immediately says that he is still in first place overall due to all the other races he has won. And even a few times that my mom has played some board games with her, I've watched as he has tried to get to the "finish line" as quick as possible. But with me? Maybe he just likes the time together....who knows. But as long as he has fun, I'm fine having the fun with him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Swimming is a learning experience!

I am shocked at how much Trevor is falling into learning back what he once had even a year ago. I guess part of it was just a growing thing he needed to do. Actually most of it probably was. I know he used to be able to put his face in the water, but now he doesn't want to. Or he didn't at the start of the week.

I watched the class on the first day and noticed that there were two other kids in his class. Neither of them needed a float belt. I knew Trevor didn't "need" one but he wanted one because it made him more comfortable swimming. On Tuesday I asked the teacher to try to make him swim without it. I watched again and saw him swimming from about a foot off of the side of the pool, but he did it! The teacher also said he was floating on his back for a while without the belt on. Now they don't even have him put it on. YAY TREVOR!!!

I can also see how when it isn't his turn to swim around with the teacher, he likes to talk to the other kids and ask them to go down under the water and pop back up. I saw both of them try to convince him he could do it, but he would just shake his head and ask them to do it again. Today, in the pool that he can touch in, he was dunking his head under the water and popping back up. I did notice that he was wiping his eyes when he came back up, so I thought today was the day to ask him if he wanted to try goggles again. I bought them last year for when I saw all the other kids had goggles on. But again, he has just grown up enough where he wants to be like the other kids and I'm sure part of it is wanting to be able to see under water. So when I asked him tonight if he wanted to try them on, he immediately said yes. Even wore them into the bath to see how they worked. I'm sure it's going to take a while to get used to them, but at least they can work a little while so he can understand how it can work. It should get him used to a bit more confidence in the water.

So tomorrow is the last day of class, but I'm already signing him up for classes on a day he doesn't have preschool. I can only assume that he'll work his way up to being a better swimmer soon!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I guess that theory is out the window

I didn't truly believe it anyway. But when I was pregnant with Trevor I ate whatever I wanted. I didn't venture from what I knew I liked or didn't like, but I ate a lot. Trevor was a great eater as an infant. He tried and ate virtually anything.

Then with Gwen, she didn't let me eat red meat. Which I was not very happy about. And I even stayed away from it for a few months after just to be on the safe side. And now with Gwen being a picky eater, it's been a learning experience. So we were in the grocery store yesterday and I got some salami meat for sandwiches for myself. Trevor always asks to eat a few pieces while we are shopping. Gwen started to make some noise like she wanted whatever Trevor had. So I gave her a little bite expecting her to spit it out. NOPE. She wanted more and basically ate the entire piece. I had already tried turkey, but that wasn't ok. It's the salami. Too bad it is not exactly the healthiest thing to have her eat, but at least it is an option once in a while. So we are slowly increasing the foods she enjoys eating!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


So we made it through! Camps are done! I think I've figured out that Trevor likes active camps, or Bible School camps, and camps with his friends are always a winner. Last week was Peanut Sports camp. On the first day, when I asked him what he did, expecting to hear something like "basketball", or some other such sport, I got the answer of "Toilet Tag". Perfect for him. He was enthralled with it, and Russ and I played it with him for a while on Monday evening. Now, in case you are wondering, there is a tagger and everyone else. The tagger runs around trying to tag the other people, and once they do, you become a toilet. You have to crouch down and hold your hand out like the handle of a toilet. And then anyone that isn't a tagger can run around and rescue the tagged toilets by flushing them. It's a hoot. I'm pretty sure that it was the only day they played that particular game, but he kept talking about it like he wanted to play it every day.

Then on Friday, they put on a kickball game for the kids vs. the parents. They had a great turn-out! Both Russ and I went, and there were quite a few dad and mom representatives. If you ask Trevor what the best part was, it was getting me out. Russ claims he couldn't get Trevor to run after him with the ball. It was very nice to see the kids having fun and not have to worry about coaching them or teaching them. They naturally run the bases and kick the ball without saying much.

Yesterday, we made a trip out to the local YMCA on guest passes that I bid on in an auction. So everyone went swimming in the "leisure" pool. Gwen was not sure what to think for a while. But once she saw she could splash and kick the water, she was good. The water was warm and no one else was in that pool while we were in it. After that, we were able to go out to the MOA for dinner and a few rides before going home.

Then today I was able to play in the Couple's Club Championship. It was great day for golf. The weather was nice and warm but not humid. I didn't play as bad as I thought I was going to, but definitely not as good as I could have. We came in second place in our flight.

Now it's time to start the next week!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chugging along

Nothing too noteworthy going on lately. We are getting ready for the summer to wind down and make sure we get in everything that we want to before school starts. Russ and I are going to play in a golf tournament on Sunday. I've been playing pretty well in league which is the kiss of death for me in the tournament. I was hoping we would be able to play with one of the women I golf with in league, but I'm pretty sure the golf shop knows who we regularly play with and tries to pair you up with someone new. Which is good, I guess, but I'd rather have fun than meet someone new. Guess that's just the introvert in me.

Trevor enjoyed VBS last week at our church. I think he enjoyed it for the learning about God and Jesus more as well as having a few of his preschool friends in class with him. This week is his last camp although next week I signed him up for swimming lessons. Those are only a little over a half hour every day M-F and than we basically have most of the next two weeks off to make sure everything is done for school. I know Trevor has been asking about going to the zoo, we'll head out to the cabin one more time, and I thought maybe he'd like to go back to the Children's Museum as well.

I have noticed that Trevor really enjoys doing things without Gwen while being in the company of one of his parents. On Saturday, Russ needed a tetanus shot and he was pretty interested in watching what was going on. And then yesterday, I had to bring piggy in to get an updated rabies shot for her to go in to be groomed. Again Trevor came with me and made a big deal about talking to the cat before we went in to explain that she needed a shot. I think he liked the fact that he was going without Gwen so he could really watch what was going on. While I've been talking about him having to get shots for his 5 year dr well-check, he still isn't looking forward to it. I don't know of many kids that do, but I'm hoping that him seeing everyone and every pet needs shots to stay healthy will register that it isn't something we are doing to try to be mean.

So that's what's going on here.

Monday, August 11, 2008

She did it first

No, I'm not going to show you how Trevor likes to fight with Gwen. I was just noticing how Gwen hit a milestone before Trevor did. Actually, I guess she hit ones when it comes to sleeping, but I was thinking in terms of a physical milestone. She can now take up to 5 steps by herself. Trevor hit it at 10 1/2 months. I even have a video of it. But Gwen has been taking steps by herself for at least 4 days now. It's pretty cute. Then yesterday I watched her push herself from sitting to standing without needing some leverage. She can pull herself up no problem. I know it will be a few weeks before this is her preferred mode of transportation, but she is getting so big! She also loves to be read books, and her favorite is a book called, "Hands, Hands, fingers, thumbs" I make drumming noises with my hands when it says "drum" and she just loves it. She also likes to try to manipulate the books with her fingers, specifically turning pages. Oh, I've also had to put up the gate for the stairs since I watched her climb up them one day this week.

She's also loving to babble in her baby-speak. She can say things like mama, dada, nana (for night-night when she is tired or wants a bottle) and now I'm pretty sure she is saying something sounding like cra-ka for crackers.

Thankfully her naps are becoming more tolerable. Not actually sleeping more, just easier to put down. So if she wakes up, I know she is going to be up for good, even if she might be tired. She has the ability to sleep for a few hours if she needs it, but for the most part, it's between a half hour and 45 minutes.

And one more thing.....SLEEP! Having the Olympics on is not a good idea when you are trying to sleep at a decent hour at night. UG. I know I could just re-watch it when I got up in the morning, but I get so sucked in. Those swimmers sure do put on a good show!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More conversations with a 4 year old

There have been a lot of things Trevor has been wondering about, and for a while we haven't really gotten into the exact details because I feel like I could scare him with the reality of a few questions he would ask. This doesn't apply to every question I've listed below, but I know that there are some questions that run through my mind where I have to censor myself and find other ways of explaining an answer to him without causing nightmares.

My dad got me a Chicago Bears laptop cover that I just recently put on. When I put the laptop on my lap, Trevor started asking me a lot of questions. He has always talked about the "good" team and the "bad" team. We can't seem to shake him of that idea. Even if the "good" team doesn't win, he shakes it off quickly by saying that HIS Twins team (in his imaginary game that he puts on then and there) won the game. And last year, during the football season, I can't quite remember if he was really not all that into the game (because since the baseball season started, he has been into learning all about the game: strikeouts, home runs, how to score, etc.) or if he just enjoyed tackling and throwing the football to dad or the uncles if they were around watching the games on TV. But with his dad already talking about the football season starting, and now I'm guessing that he remembers a bit about last year, and definitely enough to know that the Vikings are from Minnesota and the Bears are from Chicago. So he sees the cover on my laptop and Trevor asks if I like the Bears. I tell him that I do and he starts talking about how he doesn't like the Bears. He likes the Vikings. And then asks me why I don't like the Vikings. So I tell him without going into a rant. I also tell him that Papa and Uncle Kevin also like the Bears. He has so far seemed to warm up to the fact that if the Bears ever play the Vikings, there are going to be more cheers for the Bears than the Vikings and I don't know how he would hold up. Maybe the fact that the Bears don't always play the Vikings will be another thing that he might just warm up to. We'll have to see. I'm guessing that the questions and thoughts of cheering for Boston College even though we live in Minnesota will actually help clear up the Bears/Vikings discussion. Either he is going to have to figure out that we are an exclusive Minnesota team family, or we choose who we want to cheer for.

So another conversation or I should say a lot of conversations lately with preschool through Vacation Bible Schools that he has been going to have revolved around religion. He has talked about when Jesus is coming back to life. He has talked about dying and going to heaven. He has asked me to read stories out of his children's bible. His favorite story right now is Moses and the burning bush. But I think it is natural to be fascinated with heaven and dying. I know he has talked to my mom a lot about going to heaven because she is someone that does not have her parents because they have died and gone to heaven. I think he even likes to hear her say it and hear why they died, what their names are, and how it relates to him. He has said that God has told him that his parents will never die. So it isn't something that he can entirely comprehend, but again, not something I really want to scare him about either.

I don't commonly wear tank tops or swimsuits. The house is kept cool enough and for the most part I don't want to venture out in hot hot hot weather with Gwen. But one day last week we went to the water spray park in east Bloomington so I had a swimsuit under a tank top. I got in the car and Trevor was in his carseat. He saw my Kermit tattoo and while he has always known I've had it, we called it a freckle before. He had a freckle that we named Zelda. But I think now that he has had some experience with temporary tattoos at school or camps or other places, he asked me in the car, "How do you get Kermit off?" Assuming that I would say: by washing it off. But I told him that it doesn't come off. I explained the entire process, minus the needles and pain (although I didn't think it was at all painful) how someone drew and put ink on me to keep it on me. He then asked to go to the store that I had the tattoo put on. I told him he would have to be 18 years old before I would take him into the store. For some reason he accepted that answer and when my mom got into the car, he quickly asked her if she had a freckle too. When she said she did and showed him, he was a little disappointed that it wasn't colorful like mine.

And I was surprised it took him this long to start talking about having a baby in his tummy. Since he was very aware when I was pregnant with Gwen. Perhaps they are talking about it at bible school this week but he has been saying that he has a baby bee in his tummy since Monday and that it will be born on August 27th. From the very beginning of baby discussions I have always said that the mom is the one that has babies and that boys cannot have babies. I guess he thinks he can overcome that obstacle. I'm just letting him pretend after reminding him of the fact.

Last but not least, I have to say that I'm a very happy mom when it comes to Trevor's love of math. He's been able to count up to 100 for a few months now and while we've been trying to teach him adding and subtracting, I was just able to stock up at Target's dollar shop with a bunch of stuff from reading and rhyming to math. They have a few workbooks and one of them is math for Kindergartners - 1st graders. They teach simple adding by counting and pictures. Then you are supposed to write the numbers you see to show how to read the math problem. I brought only two pages for him to try and while he has a little problem writing the numbers since he hasn't had any practice doing it, he really gets instructions and how to do things once he has done it once. He finished the pages within 5 minutes and asked for more. Guess I should have brought more, maybe the whole book. But I also should go back and get more of the same book because I think he even thinks it is fun.

He is also on the verge of reading, but with his want to be independent, it is hard to teach him and get him to ask for help or try things on his own if he didn't seek it out. His spiderman laptop has been a good help as well as the leapster games that he has. But simply reading a book is hard because I don't think he has made the connection of how reading will convey a story. He can either repeat a story he has heard many times before, or he can read individual words from a new story he doesn't know about, but it hasn't sunk in yet that those new words can tell you a story. I think math is more fun anyway ;-)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Instead of emailing

I figure I'd just post stuff here. FYI.....

Cancel a Phone BookMillions of phone books hit American doorsteps unsolicited every year,to the tune of more than 19 million trees. If you don't want yours,join the 10,000+ already saying "no thanks" at the new

10 months old!

So Ms. Gwen is now 10 months old. I'm totally forgetting how long it takes a baby to walk from the time that he/she is taking her first steps, but that's where Gwen is right now. If she sees the end of a destination as only a few steps away and I'm cheering her on, she will go for it. Get a good laugh out of it too if she falls down. She SEEMS to be much more motivated to walk than Trevor was. But maybe I'm remembering wrong. She will crawl, but she prefers to crawl only to get somewhere where she can stand and walk around. She has been crawling for about a month and a half now which is a month shorter than Trevor, but he was 10 and a half months when he started walking. I'm curious to see if this is the month that she will learn as well, or if it will still be a little while.

She also developed an ear infection somewhere in the last cold. And boy do I feel bad about not getting her in earlier. She has had a cold for 12 days and had had it for 10 days when I brought her in for her check. But the difference with her is that she is not fussy, did not have a fever, and still slept well throughout the nights. But she has been on abx for 2 days now and her runny nose is almost gone. I guess her throat was really bad when we were in so whenever she coughs it makes me cringe.

Finally, a funny little thing that has happened is that she likes to play with her nuk. I say play because I'm not trying to use it to put her to sleep. She just puts it in and sucks on it for a while. She isn't teething-fussy during the day usually. She's now on the move so much that she can go where she wants to and find things to do by herself for a while now. She loves the play kitchen and food. She likes most of Trevor's cars and toys that she can get at. She likes the magnets and Word Whammer that is on the refrigerator. It's a lot of fun to watch her play with stuff. And, she likes to be read books. It's been a fun month! Minus the getting sick.....