So those of you may know, I have a bit of a genetic predisposition to gambling and casinos. It's a bit fun for me to get that adrenaline rush while either playing a game of some sort, or pulling a handle on a slot machine.
Now, with only one exception during this pregnancy have I had BAD luck during my gambling..... I don't even like to remember it, but it is more because it was SO BAD that I'm amazed anyone could have that bad of luck. I was at Cantebury Card Club playing poker because my brother knows that I love to play, and it is an easy Christmas/Birthday gift. Anyway, we were there for I believe close to 4 hours....and in that 4 hours, I won a total of ONE hand. "normal" luck is to win about 10% of the hands...and usually you play I think 12-15 hands an that's saying I won less than 2% of the HORRIBLE bad luck.
Ok so off of the bad luck discussion. So with the exception of that one day at poker, I have been having average to above average luck, which I almost entirely attribute to the child I am carrying. This happened before with Trevor too....which I guess just proves that when people rub the pregnant lady's stomach for good luck, there must be some there.
Last night, I was able to go out and play Bingo. I've only been one other time since being pregnant, and did not win....but I did last night. Not a large amount, just enough to win my money back. But what amazes me is that I play with $20 worth of Bingo cards, and we sit at the same table with two ladies that EASILY had $100 worth of Bingo cards EACH, and they did not get to yell those lovely words.....BINGO!!! (That is the most fun.....and the adrenaline rush that comes with it)
So that was my fun for the weekend.....bring on the week!
Yay on the winnings! And on the excitement of being the lucky one! Sounds like a fun time!!!!
Maybe gambling bad luck is another weird pregnancy symptom for you. Kind of like how I had terrible skin during my pregnancy with Bryce, you have terrible gambling luck!! :)
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