Friday, July 20, 2007

Today is a new day

Well, yesterday was not a very "good" day for Trevor and I. Nothing really that I want to dwell on, but just to say that it's tough to have those days and remember that it's only temporary.

This morning I had another uneventful midwife check-up. They went over my glucose and hemoglobin tests from last month, and said they looked excellent. I'm measuring right where I should be, and the baby's heartbeat is over 150 as it always has been (old wives tale says that means it's a GIRL). I also made sure to ask about golfing as I've gotten a few questions from people as to how long I can play golf, and as long as I make sure to stay hydrated, I'm good to go as long as I'm comfortable.

So last night I had one of those realistic dreams that are a little perk to being pregnant. It was very odd (at least from my perspective). It started out, that it was towards the end of September, and I was a few days away from my due date. Then, I blinked my eyes, and it turned into Thanksgiving, but we were still in September. I had a baby that I found out was a boy that we had named Eric. I actually was so confused that I had to ask Russ how and when I had the baby. I would also like to put a disclaimer that Eric is not on our list of names, nor would I consider naming my child that. I know too many Erics.

Anyway, Russ had to tell me about how the whole labor/delivery thing went. Because apparently I fast forwarded through the whole thing. He said that I went past my due date and they induced me (again not something I would ever have done by choice). He said I wanted it so we could have the baby by "Thanksgiving".

So I moved past it...and not many other interesting things happened except that my mom and I had a big fight about how I'm teaching Trevor how to swear or something. Which again is odd because I'm not a big swearing person, even when I'm not around kids. I say "shoot" and "darn it all" more than anything else. So I think that is what caused us to leave "Thanksgiving" early.

And that's all I have to say about that.....


Dawn said...

Glad you had a good appointment today, Krissy - sounds like things are going well! It won't be long now, huh?

Erika said...

Hey look Krissy, Sommer added you to her blog roll too. :)