Monday, October 6, 2008

And the busy week continues

Well, the big party is done. Trevor's field trip is done. The retaining wall is not done :-P but it is getting closer.... We still have a few things left to take care of this week and then we'll have about 3 weeks until Halloween. Costumes for all 4 of us are in the works. But that's another story.

Trevor and I went on his fall walk for preschool on Friday. It was a perfect day. A little chilly but felt really good in the bright sun. Trevor had a great time looking for acorns, different leaves, and all sorts of "treasures". I'll have to include another post for just pictures....

We went home to continue the birthday preparations. We made the cake, and then Trevor went out to a park for a bit. I finished the organization and wrapping presents while Russ was busy with some family trying to get the wall area ready for the weekend.

We had a good turn out for the party. Pizza, cake and ice cream were on the menu. Trevor helped with all the things that Gwen didn't know about. Blowing out the candle, opening gifts, and even playing with most of them. Ha Ha. We finally have some girly toys in the house! A few dollies (even a Cabbage Patch infant....oh how I remember the wonderful smell of those dolls!), dollhouse activities, princess toys, books....she made a good haul. She wasn't very interested in the cake, like Trevor was at her age. But I already know that she isn't the same kind of eater that he was.

Time to get ready for the week!

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