What a sad day it is and will be this holiday season. I know they can't stay this young forever, and that more good things are to come, but I didn't realize it was going to go this quick. I remember last year at about this time, I was having to shield Trevor from a lot of the "scary" Halloween stuff. He was starting to get nightmares and I figured I should keep him away from the stuff that would make his imagination possibly give him more nightmares.

This year, it is obvious he is growing out of a lot of his fears. Especially if it is something he can get used to. He got used to the Disney concert, as well as the hayride at the pumpkin patch, he was afraid at first, but got over it. He has been asking a lot of questions about ghosts, being scared at Halloween and such. We had dinner at a restaurant and we had no idea they were decorating for Halloween. They had a motion detecting scary guy and as soon as Trevor saw it he was startled. I blocked his view from him at that point on, but he kept wanting to see it. It's like he knows it is cool to be scared or something.

He likes seeing the
disney movies that are showing that have a little bit of scaring in the movie. He laughs at it and jumps around because he knows what is going to happen and can get a little scared by it. Thankfully no nightmares yet. I just don't think there are going to be many more times of having to keep him from somewhere or something because it is too scary for him.
We went to a family Halloween party on Friday night. I assumed we wouldn't be there for very long because I didn't think Gwen would last very long. They both did very well. We got our family portrait taken... and Russ scared a few kids. Even without his mask on. There were a few kids in some kind of Star Wars garb. Even a dad that admitted he made his son be I think
Bobba Fett? Or else it was a Storm Trooper. His son had no idea who he was. But his dad was very proud.
Trevor got to see a few of his school friends. We made frosted cookies. Sunday we went to a costume brunch. Trevor got his arm painted. He got some sword balloons for his costume. Also that day, we got the Toys R Us Holiday catalogue. While I have yet to hear at a Target store, "Mom, can I have that toy?" the catalogue that came out was quickly told to me that he wanted everything in the book. Oh dear. Hopefully he will be able to show some signs of level of importance, and another hopefully: he will not say that something like a
Powerwheels car is the most important thing that he wants.
So for the rest of the week, we will be carving pumpkins, and going trick or treating. Trevor is very anxious to get candy. Hopefully we will be doing something similar to last year. Updates to come!
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