Thursday, October 30, 2008

5 days and counting...

And it happened again. We lived in this house 4 years ago. We lived in the same city 8 years ago. But I do not remember all the phone calls and junk mail and even personal stops by our house in such numbers. We got 12 phone calls in 24 hours two days ago. Crazy. So then they took a day off and it has started again. Only a handful have left a message, but I guess I'll just be happy to have them be done in 5 more days.

I am happy with the fact that gas prices are declining so much. Nothing like an election to reduce gas prices! It was 3 weeks ago that I told Russ that I guessed it would be at $2.25. Well, our area one has it already at $2.17. So maybe we'll go below $2.00! Cool!

As far as next Tuesday, we have our family shots planned. Trevor gets a chicken pox vaccine, Gwen gets round 2 of her flu shot and I get a flu shot. If we are all in good enough spirits after that I'll be taking the kids to the polls. Hopefully that will go well.

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