Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Boy do I feel guilty...

After writing that entry yesterday, we had a really good day. Gwen didn't nap much (granted, when does she ever?) but she was in a pretty good mood. I was able to get our laundry done for the day, make dinner, even play with Trevor for a while.

Trevor had a good day too. We only have a few days of when we don't have something scheduled to do, but I think he needed it. Just to be able to relax and unwind.

Gwen went to sleep for good last night at about 10:30 and slept until almost 6. She's been a little more cranky today, and not wanting to nap, but I can take it better when I have a good night's sleep. Oh, and she also did pretty well with her cereal last night. I haven't quite figured out the morning portion, but that will come along soon, I think.

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