We just came back from Basketball, but only after braving a quickly developing snowstorm. Actually, it was just a lot of blowing snow, and it is about to get very cold. But because of that, I'm really really looking forward to it getting warmer and finally it being spring. I know we are at least a month out, and it will probably be more snow before then too, but I think it's also getting a bit long for Trevor too. In a few weeks we'll be starting ECFE for Gwen which takes place on Mondays, so every day we will have something going on. With the exception of Sundays.
I'm also happy to report, after almost a full week of Gwen getting all messed up with her sleeping and eating, she had a great night last night and is sleeping right now. I knew it wouldn't be forever, but it is hard dealing with it at the time! She had gone back to needing a bottle in the middle of the night, and waking up a few times. So now we are back to letting her sleep in her bouncy chair. It is so weird to think that she just can sense when she isn't as upright as she is in her chair, and will wake up within 15 minutes if you put her in her crib. I thought maybe she was getting a cold, as Trevor has one, but so far so good.
So anyway, sounds like Gwen is waking up from her nap. Time to say hello!
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