However, if you call the nurse phone line and ask a nurse about it, they will give you the "it has been recommended that children not take those medications anymore" and go on to direct you to use a humidifier, prop them up with pillows at night, etc. (Of course I do all these things already).

Ok, but back to Gwen. First off, she weighed 16lbs 4oz and is 25.25" long. She is between 85-90% for both. But she has almost caught up with how long Trevor was at her age, and is still almost a lb behind him in weight. I talked to the doctor about cereal, because with Trevor, the recommended age was 4 months, and now it is 6 months. So he read the standard answer of: "Most babies need no other foods until 6 months of age". But he then quickly said, "But we know we are not dealing with a normal baby here. She is FAR superior to any normal baby. Therefore, I say go ahead whenever you think she is ready." He made me chuckle. So we'll be going into trying cereals within the next few weeks. I'm not in a real rush yet. She sleeps well at night (usually), so it would really only be to cut back on some of the formula I'm giving her. Then she got her shots (screamed then quickly calmed down), and said we'd see him again in two months.
As for things she is doing....she loves her toes. It's not exactly "lady-like" but she is entertained for a good 10-15 minutes or so if she is well fed and rested. She's also already into the johnny jumper, the exersaucer and will sit in her high-chair while we are eating and play with toys. Her reaching is very good, and it is interesting to notice that she seems better with her left hand (which also has the birthmark on it) than she is with her right.
It is also a time for her to talk, shreek, laugh, scream and make any new noise she can. She also likes to gargle and thinks she just is DA BOMB when she gargles. As long as there is something in her throat, she keeps doing it and doing it. She also has learned that if she makes something of a cry, someone will come running. I know we are going to have to "train" her to fall asleep, although I'm not ready to do that yet. Probably starting around 5 1/2 months or so. I know that if we can do it earlier, it will be easier than if we wait. Only problem is, I hope we won't have to do it with Trevor trying to sleep. That's why I run now. At least if it is at night.
Speaking of sleeping, we are currently going through a little crib strike. I thought the shots would help her "reboot" her sleep cycle, but no such luck. She woke up at 1am last night and was up for the morning at 5:30. And if I try to put her back in the crib after that point, she wakes right up. So we are back to sleeping upright for the time being. Oh well. What can you do? I love her kisses so everything is good.
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