It's been a very busy week for me...and I went to Trevor's school to help out on Tuesday, but haven't had a chance to talk about it since then. Today they had a Valentine's party and gave out Valentine's to all their classmates and brought home a big box full of Valentines to open.
So about school: I'm not sure if Trevor was on his best behavior or if it was a mostly normal day for him, but he did really well. He even seemed ok if I was not playing with him the entire time. It was pretty cool as a mom to get asked to play things with some of the other kids. It was also fun to watch how a lot of the girls ran to play dress-up with the dolls, or push them around in carriages. A lot of the kids also wanted to build with the blocks, and the teacher also participated in jumping on the squares of the carpet.
Trevor and Elizabeth seemed inseperable (sorry, the spell-check doesn't work on here anymore!), but it was nice to see that neither he nor she was really the overpowering kid. They both said "Sit by me" or "Stand by me" or "come play with me". And I haven't seen them play together since they were more fighting than playing. And it looks like they will be together at school again next year.
And I also learned that he knows how to put on his coat by himself. His teacher taught all the kids how to be like a fireman and lay their coats on the ground. Although I also saw a few kids able to do everything by themselves, and Trevor still is not able to zip up his coat. We'll be working on that soon!
So hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day! Hubby and my day was last Friday when we were able to go out to dinner and bowling! It was a great time to ourselves. Thank you mom!
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