Monday, April 28, 2008

5am is rough

But I'm pretty sure most parents go though this phase. Your kid is up for the day at 5am. And even the tactic of letting her play in her crib as long as she can take it still only lasts for 15 minutes tops. So it calls for an early start to the day. What else can you do? These are the days when you remember only having one kid so you can go down for a nap when they do.

So the next best thing is simply knowing that it is not something that will last forever. Maybe another two days or so. I just hope that she doesn't go any earlier than 5. It had been 6:30, then 6, then yesterday was 5:30.

Our weekend was spent primarily indoors due to the yucky weather. And unfortunately it doesn't look like it is going to break anytime soon.

Funny thing going on with Gwen is that she has a chicken that goes with a Fisher Price Farm playset. Every time she has played with it, I've made the clucking chicken noise. Usually she just smiles and laughs at me. Trevor has even started making the same noise if she starts to get upset because he knows she likes it. Well now, she makes a screeching noise that sounds remarkably like the clucking sound when she looks at the chicken. I'll have to try to get a video of it when she's in a good mood.

I do have to say that she has done a good job of sleeping through the night this month. She has woken up once or twice crying, but now that she knows it doesn't get her out of bed, she goes right back to sleep within 5 minutes. We are off to the lake this weekend, so it will be interesting to see how she does.

Trevor has been getting ready for his spring program at school. He only has 8 more classes before summer break. I have a feeling he is going to miss his teachers once he understands that it is going to be a long time before he sees them again.

With Nascar being back in full swing, we are doing a lot of playing with that. Either on his bike outside or his cars inside. It always helps when he knows the winning driver. So far, so good! Have a great week all!

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