I think it was a blessing in disguise. Trevor makes sure I know when Gwen has a "spitty-up" and I don't see it. Although he was a little confused a few times when she was simply drooling and called it "spitty-up". He even took it as a job to be the spitty-up wiper when we were out and about.
Last night, Gwen went down without a peep for the first time all week. At 2:30 I heard crying, and I thought it was Gwen, but it turned out to be Trevor. He was asking for me saying that he had spitty-up. Now, I thought he was talking about a dream or something, because he wasn't at all upset. The crying, I think, was from when it was actually happening. But he wanted me to make sure I saw it, and that I cleaned it up. He told me that he felt hungry, so he went over to get some of his water, but before he got there, he had spitty-up.
At this point, I wasn't sure if it was simply something he ate, or if he was getting sick. Regardless, I was starting to talk to him about the fact that we could not go to the "big gym" today because he was sick. He was bummed out about that, but really, he was confused I think as to if Gwen was ok after she had spitty-up, why couldn't it be the same way for him. So I had to have a talk about how when older people spitty-up it is like when they have a cold. They are sick and have to stay at home.
So I cleaned up his floor and changed his pjs, and put him back in bed. At 3:30 he was sick again. This time he was trying (or had) to get some water. So it was all over his dresser. Cleaned that up, changed his clothes again. I explained that he needed his water taken away so that he wouldn't get sick again. He wasn't too happy about that because he said he was thirsty. Oh, I remember that feeling. Wanting nothing more that just a little water, only to throw it right back up again. So no water. At 4:30 he was really complaining so I went in to talk to him. He said he was hungry, which I knew to be the cue to be sick again, so I took him out of the bed, and yep.....right on the floor again. One more change of clothes, cleaning up, and tried to go back to sleep for the night.
So today is a lot of TV, a lot of naps, and hopefully able to get better. He hasn't been sick since, but I'm still going to wait to give him any water until I can talk to the doctor. I'm hoping he's out of the woods....but we'll see.
That's it from this sicky household!
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