I tried another thing....I figured I might be pushing my luck but oh well.
We just went on a 20 minute walk....and it was PLEASANT! Gwen didn't cry at all. Got fussy if we stopped. I had her out of her carseat and in the stroller. She must have liked the noise and motion because I know she didn't see out past the brim of her sunhat that I had on her. But she didn't fall asleep either. I kept checking. I have no idea why she liked it, but she did. We made it around our entire 4 block "circle". The temperature felt balmy in a Minnesota spring type of way. Now we have an option of something to do after Trevor gets out of school before his naptime!
So for some reason, it's been another good day. Don't know why nights can't be the same, but I'll take it!
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