1. What are your first names?
Kristine and Russell
2. How long have you been together?
We met on November 11th, 1995 – so it will be 13 years this November. Married on June 3rd, 2000….8 years this year.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?We didn’t know each other until 11/11
4. Who asked who out?
I don’t even know if that counts….we were set up on a blind date
5. How old are each of you?
Just turned 30 and he’s still 28
6. What are your astrological signs?
Capricorn and Aquarius
7. How tall are each of you?
He’s 5’10” and I’m 5’8”
8. Who's mother do you see the most?
Well, my mom comes over weekly to help with the kids, so I see her more often
9. Who’s siblings do you see the most?
Not really sure….I would guess his….at least during the summer months
10. Do you have any children together?
Yes…2 now
11. What about pets?
Yep…two cats…Piggy and Kermie
12. If so, what kind?
A grey fluffy girl cat and a black and white girl cat
13. Which bill is the hardest on you as a couple?
It’s always a bit of a shock when the credit card bill comes, but we always pay it off in full
14. How do each of you work?
He is a computer consultant, and I am a stay at home mommy
15. Is that what you went to school for?
16. Did you go to the same school?
Only the same college
17. Are you from the same hometown?
18. are you from the same town now?
Yes, we live in the same home
19. Who is the smartest?
NICE….I would say we each have our strengths
20. Who is the most sensitive?
Well, I cry more, but again I think we both have our sensitivities
21. Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
I would guess TGIFriday’s
22. Where do you shop the most as a couple??
23. Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple?
Mexico or Hawaii
24. Who has the best group of friends?
Well, Russ hasn’t been able to get together with his “group” of friends for a while. So I guess by default my mom friends and their husbands might qualify for this one.
25. Who has the craziest exes?
Neither – There weren’t that many
26. Who has the worst temper?
I would say he does. I can get upset, but I usually don’t get angry so I don’t yell very often.
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